Fees 2023-4
Main school fees (Infants and Juniors) per term £3,650
There is a prompt payment discount if you pay in full on or before the first day of term, of £48.50
We offer a sibling discount of £287 per sibling.
School Lunch and Snack is charged at approximately £281 per term (this works out at £4.69 per day)
We have a monthly payment option with School Fee Plan. They charge 2.99% and take fees via direct debit. An example as follows: Three terms fees totals £9,504. The interest charge at 2.99% is £284, making the total loaned £9,788. And the monthly charge (by direct debit) at £816.
Fees are inclusive of all books and activities and are payable by the first day of each term. If they remain unpaid by the start of term, interest may be charged at 8% above the base rate per month from the beginning of the term.
Parents are required to give one full term’s written notice (to be given by the end of the final week of the previous term) or one full term’s fees in lieu of notice of their child leaving the school.
Inspection Reports
We are delighted to release our recent Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) report which took place May 2022 and has now been published and released. Please click the link below to read the full report (pdf).
Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection Report 2022
Our previous reports can be found on the ISI website.
We have been waiting a very long time for our inspection, which was delayed numerous times due to COVID-19, and so we were genuinely delighted to welcome the inspectors into the school when they arrived in May. The findings of the report are a wonderful reflection of the hard work and commitment of all of our staff and children and we feel represents a true picture of The Firs Independent School. We hope you will take some time to read the report but want to share just a few of the comments contained within.
“Almost all pupils display very strong levels of self-esteem in their activities around school, benefiting from the small, nurturing environment.”
“Pupils display a highly developed moral code based upon the values espoused in the Firs Way.”
“Pupils’ attainment and progress are good overall. Pupils with SEND or EAL make rapid progress as a result of effective support”
“Pupils display an excellent moral understanding and are well-behaved both in lessons and during less structured times.”
As well as celebrating the positives, we are already striving to address any recommendations made in the report and will ensure these are embedded during our next academic year. We have already formulated our school development plan for the academic year 2022-23 and look forward to developing our school further.
An inspection is always a demanding experience but one we have found both positive and informative and will aid us in continuing to provide the best possible education for your children.
Childcare Vouchers
The Firs School accepts childcare vouchers which are issued by employers. They are a tax efficient way of paying for after school care, after school clubs, early morning care and our holiday clubs. Government rules mean they cannot be used for the main school fees.
Early Years Free Entitlement
The Firs participates in the Early Years Free entitlement scheme for 3 and 4 year olds. This means parents can claim up to 15 hours per week free. For children in Kindergarten, this translates into 1 or 2 days a week. Children in Reception will only be charged for the remaining hours in the school week. The free entitlement from Cheshire West & Chester Council cannot be used for early morning care or after-school clubs.
In order to qualify the child must be 3 or 4 on the first day of the term for which you are claiming. We will automatically send out the forms necessary. More information can be found at the Cheshire West website.
The Firs School Bursary Trust
Registered charity: 1154600
The Firs School Bursary Trust was formally established in 2013. Its primary aim is to enable children who would benefit from attending The Firs to secure a place despite their parents not being able to pay all or part of the fees. This assistance can range from a small percentage to a full bursary depending on the financial circumstances of the parents and the funds available to the charity.
All applications require a full financial disclosure, which is renewed annually.
Applications from prospective parents are made in the September of the Autumn term and interviews with trustees are normally held at the end of the term. Offers of financial assistance are made in January. Parents are asked to follow the normal admission process to secure a place at the school.
Current parents who find their financial circumstances changing unexpectedly can apply at any time.
All information exchanged is treated with full confidentiality.
To enquire in confidence please contact fsbt@firsschool.org
If you have any complaints or concerns about our organisation please consult our complaints policy.
The current board of Trustees
Tim Longman, director at The Firs School
Alison Cheshire, former parent and member of former staff at The Firs
Kevin Healy, former parent at The Firs School and internal auditor at Waltors Kleinwort
Jan Lawrenson, former senior teacher at The Firs School
GIVING@ If you would like to financially support the work of the Firs School Bursary Trust then please donate by clicking here https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/7171#! .